Friday, January 11, 2008

It's been a slow week, but check this out!

Man....I NEVERAH thought I'd enjoy a version of the Brady Bunch theme this much! That boy good! That boy can SANG! LOL! Enjoy


Another Conflict Theorist said...


Yes. This cat can sing. I just can't stand all those histrionics and cheap theatrics that (although this can't was clearly exaggerating for effect) are so common with "Black" singing.

BLESSD1 said...

Peace ACT,

I initially felt the same way, but I new that these cats were just having fun, and since it was so "colorful", I decided to post it. Trust me...I hate when folks overdo the vocal gymnastics when trying to show how talented they are.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me that American Idol is on tomorrow. Yes - I'm an Idol fan.

Giants! Giants! Giants! Giants!

Eb the Celeb said...

Ok... i'm sorry but I have to jack this for my music blog...

that boy can sing... sexual chocolate... drop the mic and exit stage left!

BLESSD1 said...

Hey Eb. I don't mind at all. Thanx for passing through, and I'm gonna check your spot out.

Anonymous said...

ok...who are these dudes so I can look them up? I really would like to hear them sing something regularly b/c their voices are beautiful.