Thursday, December 27, 2007

Lupe Fiasco - Dumb it Down!

Man...I am SO GLAD that this cat doesn't actually do what the title of this song says. Lupe has to be one of the MOST slept-on cats in hip-hop...even though he keeps the company of Jay and Kanye. So, SO dope. The funniest part is the white dude (who actually looks and dances EXACTLY like my dude, Scott, in Atlanta! LOL!) on the hook! LOL! Enjoy...I do!


Anonymous said...


I LOVE this song and video. Thank you for this gift.

Happy New Year!

BLESSD1 said...

Hey Jali. I knew someone would appreciate it. I'm buying the whole album b/c it's filled w/gems like this one. Maybe you should too ;-)

Another Conflict Theorist said...


Agree Completely. BTW, The Cool is off the chain. I'll email you the link if you like.

BLESSD1 said...

ACT....I would appreciate that GREATLY!!! Thank you sir!