Thursday, December 13, 2007

OJ's Eleven

Y'all...this is FRICKIN HILARIOUS!!!


Anonymous said...

I must be in a grouchy mood, Mark. I felt sad watching the video. Maybe I'll be in a better mood later on.

Another Conflict Theorist said...


I've heard OJ and Pete Rose talked about in the same breath before. I don't get it though.

One cat "cheated." The other actually killed two people. Not exactly equitable.

BLESSD1 said...

Peace y'all...

Jali...sorry you were bummed by this. I hope you feel better...

ACT...I thought it was a lil tongue-in-cheek, but was still funny. The only think I think they base the connection btwn Pete and OJ on is that they are both perceived to be corrupt players that sullied their respective sports. With the current steroid debacle, they soon won't be alone. *SIGH*